
Żywiec 0,3 l (from the barrel) 12,00 PLN
Żywiec 0,5 l (from the barrel) 14,00 PLN
Piwo Ciechan Wyborne 0,5 l 16,00 PLN
Żywiec / Żywiec non-alcoholic (bottle) 0,5 l 14,00 PLN
Beer with sirup 0,3 l 13,00 PLN
Beer with sirup 0,5 l 15,00 PLN
Beer with ‘diver’ (40 ml polish vodka) 22,00 PLN
Mulled beer with honey 0,5 l 19,00 PLN
„Kozicowe” (500 ml) beer with devil (40 ml plum-vodka PASCHALNA) 26,00 PLN
„Kozicowe” (500 ml) beer with diver (40 ml polish vodka) 19,00 PLN

Non-alkoholic beers

Kozicowe” beer 0,3 l   10,00 PLN
Kozicowe” beer 0,5 l   12,00 PLN
Kozicowe” beer 1 l   22,00 PLN
Mulled wine 150 g       15,00 PLN
Jug full of mulled wine 1l     65,00 PLN

Get in touch
Phone: 29 71 71 720 lub 29 71 42 732
Mobile. 509 851 801
fax: 29 71 42 734

06-200 MAKÓW MAZ.

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