In the morning, at night, at midnight Pazibroda will surprise youdelicious food, like grandmother's, warm bread for supper.It smells like cake straight from the kitchen, the chef apple pie is served today!In spring, summer barbecues, winter the fireplace burns,here you can find everything: gifts of fate and gardensirloin, ham, lard, pate, mountain goat beerEverything delicious and healthy.You can also stay overnight, breakfast is served, it's obvious.Delicious coffee for breakfast! Fried eggs, cheese, honey, everything is a miracle.You can have a meeting here, by the fire, outdoor- wonderfullyand smiling staff will welcome you sincerely!I was there, on New Year's EveWhat I saw and What I heard , I have described above.

Our guest: Małgorzata Kolankowska

Pazibroda Gallery

Perfect relaxation and great cuisine in beautiful surroundings.

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06-200 MAKÓW MAZ.

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